Easter Fun for Everyone - Kingsway BIA

We are looking for vendors for the Easter Celebration at The Kingsway BIA! 🐣 Be a part of this fun, family event on April 19th, from 10am - 2pm.

Limited spots available. Low entry fees. Apply below

Taste of Lawrence

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The largest food, music, and culture festival in Scarborough, is returning for its 20th anniversary celebration from Friday, July 4 – Sunday, July 6, 2025! 

The Taste of Lawrence, organized by the Wexford Heights BIA, will take place on Lawrence Avenue East (between Warden Avenue and Birchmount Road) bringing three days of flavours from around the world, an amazing line-up of musicians and performers, shows, kid's entertainment, midway rides, and more to be enjoyed by all ages!

Dream Wheels on Eglinton

We are excited to invite your brand to participate in the second iteration of this highly successful event in Midtown, Toronto. Dream Wheels on Eglinton on July 26th, 2025.

Organized by The Eglinton Way BIA, Dream Wheels is a vintage car and bike street festival featuring over a hundred classics, hot rods, muscle cars, race cars and more all along Eglinton Avenue West from Avenue to Castle Wood Road. There will be live music, kids entertainment, best of awards and so much more for a great day out.